So since the Austin Marathon I have been having some pretty sharp pain in my right Leg/Hip Socket Joint. I tried to run a couple times and the pain was pretty significant, so I gave it 3 weeks and thought all was better. I was in DC for work so I saw a 10k that looked like a run that would be fun. Plus I have never ran in DC, so what a great deal. I started the run pretty comfortable, and nothing felt off the first mile. The second mile I felt a little twinge. By mile 4 I was hurt. Miles 5 and 6 were a jog/walk hope trying to finish as quickly as possible without doing any more damage. Its kind of a catch-22, you want to finish really quick so the pain stops, but the quicker you go the more painful it is. I got back to Houston, gave it a week to heal and the pain did not go away. I went and had an x-ray and no stress fracture, but possibly a torn/strained hip flexor. I start PT on Monday and will give it another 4-6 weeks to see how it heals up. I have a check up with the Doc in 5 weeks. So no running, no biking, no climbing… only 1 thing that’s left, ugh, the pool. So I mustard up the courage today and went to the pool to swim. 30mins straight, and I still don’t miss a second of it. It is really great though to get a workout in, any kind. Maybe in a couple weeks I can get a green light and try some aqua jogging.

Some thoughts. I started running 1995 for Jr. High Track and Field and ran Track and Cross Country through High School and some in College. In College I picked up Cycling and began doing Duathlons, Road Races, Crits, Time Trials and racing at the velodrome, Triathlons where soon to follow. I did not have any injuries until 2002 when after competing in the World Duathlon Championships I raced the following week in an 8k cross country race, a Friday night Alkek Velodrome race, a Saturday night Superdrome race and a 5 person relay marathon that turned into my first marathon when nobody on the team showed up. 4 races in 8 days, not the brightest, but I was younger and indestructible, so I thought. I aggravated my IT band pretty good and had to take off 2-3 months and stick to weights and water aerobics. Yes funny, but it was fun too. Since then I have been smarter about my training and racing and have been fortunate to stay injury free. So now 7 yrs later I have an injury, that with time will heal and I will be back it at no time. Off to the pool!
Sam...where are you????