The swim was better than expected, I hoped for anything under 5 mins, so 4:21 was awesome. Out of transition and onto the bike. Since the course was 15 miles, I stuck to my 20 mile and under rule of biking in my running shoes with platforms. I have never noticed any loss of power and the time gains in T1 and T2 are great. Superman mount onto the bike went smooth as usual.
The bike course was unknown to me. I wasn't familiar with the course, winds or how my body would feel and hold up. I actually raced with a bike computer, I haven't used a computer since 2003. I used it to keep a judge of reality. If I started to see 24mph+ and felt like I was pressing I backed off. With the wind my speed was 26-27mph and that would start to feel hard, so I went by perceived exertion, and used my speeds as marks for my upper limit.
Post race was nice catching up with everybody who did the race and an added bonus was Jimmy and I both placing in our age groups!
Race Results and Pics
Congrats Sam and welcome back to the world of Tri Racing!!!!