Since the TT last weekend I have been battling with some serious allergy problems plus not getting much rest. On my drive up to Dallas Fri afternoon I lost my voice and spent all Saturday in bed resting and talking Claritin and flo-nase. Sunday morning I woke up with my head pounding and my nose and eyes a watery mess. I went ahead and went to the race and gave it a go. All through the swim crap was coming out of my nose and my goggles were filled with mucus crap too. On the bike my nose just kept running and all the meds were affected my heart rate. By the time I got to the run I just wanted it to be over. My eyes were all teared up affecting my vision and I puked liquid around mile 2. I was definitely sick. I finished the race and pretty much collapsed. I didn't even stick around for awards. I crashed the rest of the day Sunday and I am driving back this morning (Monday) feeling a bit better. Results.
Swim - 6:50
T1 - 1:00
Bike - 46:58
T2 - :51
Run - 17:56
Finish - 1:13:33
Swim - 6:50
T1 - 1:00
Bike - 46:58
T2 - :51
Run - 17:56
Finish - 1:13:33
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